Clearing the Temple
Updated: Dec 30, 2020

Be Free for God
I have a need
of such clearance
as the Savior effected in the temple of Jerusalem
a riddance of clutter
of what is secondary
that blocks the way
to the all-important central emptiness
which is filled
with the presence of God alone.
- Jean Danielou*
This poem has captured me for a few years now. Every so often I'll read over it and sit in silence before the Lord as I open up my heart and mind to Him.
The sifting begins. My hurts, pains, questions. My attitudes, responses, reactions. My emotions, thoughts, actions. It takes brutal honesty with both myself and God. I will not allow anything to be withheld from my or His gaze.
Through this process my eyes become clear as to what is going on inside of me, my priorities are reestablished, and I know what needs dealt with. There are tables that Jesus is overturning. Will I keep them in my temple or will I let them stay? When ugliness or brokenness is uncovered, I welcome His truth to be spoken into them.
I have no doubt that this will be a life-long discipline. This is where repentance happens in me. This is where Jesus comes and clears His temple. This temple.
As this new year begins, I invite you to do the same. Let Him clear the temple and declutter your heart and mind so that you may move forward in strength.
*Quoted in Esther De Waal, Lost in Wonder: Rediscovering the Spiritual Art of Attentiveness (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2003), 19.
How I practice silence:
- I set a time (or make the most of a time!) where I can be quiet before the Lord. No distractions, no worship music, no interruptions.
- I get quiet. Visualization helps me focus and so I visualize my heart and mind exposed to the Lord.
- I wait. I let the things that are on my heart and mind pass through them (but I don't linger on them). I write down the things I'm struggling to get past and move on. I let myself and the Lord just see everything.
- I get to the point where there is just silence and stillness in my mind.
- I wait to see if He says anything.
If there are certain things that come up that require extra time with the Lord or maybe where ministry from others would be helpful, I plan a time where I can spend do that or I book a ministry appointment.
Interested in devotionals that are short and include practicing silence? Check out:
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, "Day by Day" - Peter Scazzero.
*I am not paid by them, this devotional has just rocked my world!!