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To those who are weary...



"Low-sunk life imagines itself weary of life, but it is death, not life, it is weary of."

George MacDonald


Weary of life?

There are times when it all begins to seem too much. When stress or grief or depression or...or...or... feels like a mountain that will take too much time or too much effort to overcome.

We become weary.

We become tired.

We can be tempted to give up, curl up, wait for it all to pass or even, in the darkest of times, to end life.

But the truth is: We aren't weary of life. We are weary of death.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." (Jesus) John 10:10

It is the things that happen within life that make us weary - the things that stem from the thief that brings loss, death and destruction. It's chaos, tragedy, sickness and depression. It's the darkness that is heavy and drives out hope. It's the mess that looks insurmountable and clutters our thoughts.

When we think life is the problem, life is what we begin to dread and what we can begin to want to end.

But when we know that the thief of life is the problem, guarding and sustaining life becomes our priority.

When life is the problem, we become offended at the Author of life. When the thief is the problem, the Author of life becomes our source, our protector and our deliverer.

So I'm weary of death in my life. Now what?

1. Breathe. And allow God to breathe into you.

He is the author of life. Spend time at the Source. Abandon yourself to Him and let Him renew you. Make it a daily thing but don't put rules around it - just being with Him and listening is awesome.

2. Get rid of the death traps.

Ask God to show you the areas in your life where the thief has been stealing, killing and destroying. Let Him show you how to address these areas. Get the help that you need.* Then begin to address those areas!

You are a powerful person. You can do this.

You can do really hard things.

You can walk through painful things.

God will NOT leave you for one second. Keep moving forward.

(I cannot emphasize this enough! SO many people taste hope but choose not to get rid of the death traps in their life...and find themselves back in the same place further down the road.)

3. Keep walking with God and welcoming His love to work within you.

He's not a one-stop shop, guys. This is relationship. This is Love.

Walking with Him and opening yourself to Him and His guidance is the best "Yes" you will ever give. He'll walk you past and through death traps for the rest of your life and the pains, struggles and heartache that we will face (yep, we still will face them!) will be transformed and redeemed by Him into precious gifts.

And at the beginning and end of the day, HE really is the gift.

Jesus came to give you life and life abundant.

It. Was. His. Mission.

Draw close to Him and let Him reveal your freedom to you. It'll empower you to take action and not settle for anything less than what He paid for.

Much love,



*With some (if not MANY) areas in our life, we need to get help from others. If you are physically sick or in pain, you probably don't hesitate to go to the doctor. Please don't hesitate to get help in the other areas of your life. I currently go to a counselor and it has accelerated me into a level of health that I could not get to on my own.

Go to the experts. Go to the experienced. Get the help you need as soon as you can.

If you are considering suicide, please don't hesitate to call these numbers:

800-273-8255 (USA)

0800 689 5652 (UK)

Websites with a selection of resources and numbers that you can call if suffering with depression, anxiety and more:


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