Inexorable Love
Updated: Dec 30, 2020
God is Love. And He won't leave us where we are at.

Inexorable = unable to be prevented or stopped.
Nothing is inexorable but love... For love loves unto purity. Love has ever in view the absolute loveliness of that which it beholds. Where love is incomplete, and love cannot love its fill of loving, it spends itself to make more lovely, that it may love more... Therefore all that is not beautiful in the beloved, all that comes between and is not of love's kind, must be destroyed. And our God is a consuming fire." G. MacDonald*
"He was mad! He was crazy!"
I remember being in the middle of our RE (Religious Education) class in school and a local minister was there trying his best to tell a rowdy bunch of 12 year olds about Jesus. Someone pipped up, "Remember when Jesus went into the temple and went crazy? He lost his mind!" This began a myriad of shouts and yells from the class that revolved around Jesus' temper tantrum. The minister at the front got red and flustered and I wondered whether we were going to see his own temper flare. I have often wished that I had had the wisdom and courage to get up and explain the injustice of what was happening and how Jesus could not leave the tables unturned. It was LOVE that burned that day.
"Is it not written: 'My house will be called a house of prayer for the nations'? But you have made it 'a den of robbers.'" Mark 11:17
Love never leaves injustice alone. Love never leaves brokenness untended or ugliness untouched. Jesus is Love - a consuming fire of it. Just like George MacDonald's quote implies, He will spend Himself on us until all that is in us that is not of Him is destroyed. Let him turn over the tables in your life. And then take those tables and throw them out, clearing the whole place for true purpose to take over every part. Don't you want to just breathe again? Let him throw out unforgiveness, anger, fear and malice. Allow Him to be Judge, Healer, Counselor and Father within you. Lean into Him and find your rest.
And maybe one day you'll find yourself so consumed by this Love that you'll be the one turning over tables...
*George MacDonald. UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, The Consuming Fire.