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Making room for slow growth


We love the fast track, the quick pace, the short cut and the expedited product. But when does that leave you with the unequipped, the burnt out, a harmful choice, poor quality and unripe fruit?

In Matthew 14 we find Jesus feeding 5000+ people with five loaves and two fish. It was what we now refer to as a "suddenly" of God. Our Lord has shown Himself time and time again as a God of suddenlies. We lean into the Lord for these moments and we wait expectantly for that which He has promised.

But God has also shown Himself as a God of patience. Throughout scripture we see that He waits for the appointed time over and over again.

- In all His wisdom, goodness and wholeness He didn't see fit to send the Messiah to the world for thousands of years...

- He gave Abraham a promise and then waited 25 years to give him the miracle son.

- Jesus was 30 years old before He began his public ministry. Jesus - the perfect lamb of God, Jesus. Waited 30 years.

"Indeed, the wonder of the growing corn is to me greater than the wonder of feeding thousands. It is easier to understand the creative power going forth at once - immediately - than the countless, the lovely, the seemingly forsaken wonders of the corn field."
George MacDonald*

There is something so counter-cultural about the time that the Lord takes to do certain things and I think it is time we align ourselves with it, as well as His suddenlies. We love the immediate and the fast, and it can be so good. But it also can be devastating. These are some ways that it can damage us:

- Desiring intimacy with God but not taking the time, day after day after day, to wait on Him.

- Wanting recognition as leaders in the faith and so putting on the appearance of one before we are actually are one.

- Accepting positions of authority when we are not ready.

- Appointing leaders who have spectacular anointing but weak foundations. And after they've fallen, throwing them back into the spotlight after a short period of time.

- Needing to hear the Lord about important issues but struggling to take the time to listen to Him.

- Feeling rejection when we don't hear Him right away but not thinking to take the time to work through that and find His truth.

- Struggling with anxiety, depression, lies, burnout or trauma but being too busy to seek help.

- Becoming frustrated, anxious or depressed etc because we are trying to make things happen too fast and we don't understand why the Lord's hand isn't on it.

Friends, make room for slow and steady growth.

Let's not forget the time that God has ordained for things to happen and the seasons that He has established for us.

Breathe. You have nothing to prove. Slow down. Everything else can wait.

Take the time you need to process everything going on within you and then lay it before the Lord. Make room for relationship and conversation with your Heavenly Father. Allow Him to meet you right where you are at and to begin a new miracle within you - one that will take

all the time it needs

to sprout, develop and bear fruit. God isn't in a rush with you. He's in it for the long haul.

Let's remember and wonder at the slow and steady growth of the corn field, where day after day small changes occur out of sight and without the need of approval. The time will come when it is ready for harvest, but for now it is exactly what and where it needs to be.

You are loved.

You are seen.

And He is not in a hurry.

*UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, The Temptation in the Wilderness


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